SENDIASS and young people
As part of the SENDIASS offer, we want to make sure that Children and Young people have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making that affects them, both as individuals and in a wider-sense across Coventry.
As part of this, we welcome any children and young people to speak to one of our staff members about any concerns they have over their own support. Whilst we recognise that many children and young people may be happy for their parents/carers to have these discussions on their behalf, we can do this directly with them (and confidentially). There is also separate information available on our CHYP Shop website, which is aimed more at support for children and young people.
The website also includes information about the AmbasSENDors programme, which gives children and young people to get involved with changes to services across Coventry (or just to tell other young people about things that they have found helpful to them.