Person Centred Planning: Resources

An image of a person centred review

The SEND Code of Practice is very clear in promoting the involvement of children, young people and parents/carers in decision-making around SEND. 

In order to support the process, there are a range of supportive tools and ideas to engage you. Here's a few local and national tools to look at:

There are also a range of other practical tools to think about and plan for support.

  • One Page Profiles (OPP) - examples of an engaging and interactive technique to capture important information about a child on one sheet 
  • Download an example of a One Page Profile of the SENDIASS Children and Young Person's Officer 
  • "All About Me" a local secondary school's co-production resource which can be adapted to use with young people 

Additional person-entred tools to support Children and Young People who are Preparing for Adulthood

  • Buzz Quiz –  a free and fun online personality profiler, focussing on longer term Education, Training and Employment Outcomes  
  • Ready, Steady, Go – an online and downloadable tool that prepares for transition to adult health care