Parent Engagement and Co-Production
What is parent carer participation?
Parent carers can often pinpoint problems frequently experienced by families with disabled children. This knowledge is useful to professionals as they plan services to meet disabled children’s needs.
Parent carer participation is when parents and professionals work together, recognising each other’s expert knowledge, to design, develop and improve services for disabled children in the local area.
What is a parent carer forum?
The way parent carers work with professionals is by forming groups called parent carer forums. A parent carer forum is a group of parents and carers of disabled children. Their aim is to make sure the services in their area meet the needs of disabled children and their families.
They do this by gathering the views of local families and then working in partnership with local authorities, education settings, health providers and other providers to highlight where local services, processes and commissioners are working well, or challenge when changes or improvements need to be made.
You can learn more by watching our video ‘What is a parent carer forum and what they do? []
The webinar Introduction to participation , recorded by Contact associate Sharon Smith and Grainne Saunders from West Sussex Parent Carer Forum offers a good introduction to the topic.
Forums usually have a steering group of parents who lead this work and listen to the views of other parents in the local area to make sure they know what is important to them. Forums are keen to hear from as many parent carers as possible.
Coventry's Parent Carer Forum 
Coventry has recently had a new parent carer forum come on board to champion the voice of parents and carers. As the group gets established, it will be hoping to share the views of the families of children and young people across Coventry. To find out more and to keep in touch with their activities, information is available on their website [Â ]
All forums across the country are supported by Contact, a national charity supporting families of children/young people with SEND.
Who can join a parent carer forum?
Parents or carers of a child with any type of additional need or disability are welcome to join. Joining your forum does not mean you have to commit lots of time. In most forums you can join and receive information, and then decide if you want to get more involved at your own pace.
The forum represents the views of parents in the local area but does not advocate for individual families.
You can learn more by watching our video Making a Difference – Why should I join my Parent Carer Forum? []
Co-production is an important principle in parent carer participation.
Co-production is when parent carer forums play an integral and equal part in the decision-making process and are fully engaged in shaping, developing, implementing and evaluating services and systems.
Evidence shows that these partnerships often make the best use of people’s time and money, whilst also improving outcomes for disabled children.
Watch this co-production video [] or watch the subtitled version [], where forums, local authorities, health providers and commissioners share their experiences of working in co-production and how it helped them improve services.
You can read more about co-production in our Parent Carer Forum Handbook [PDF] []
Co-production and campaigning
The conditions of their grant mean that parent carer forums can’t take part in campaign activity. However, that doesn’t mean that forums can’t support local and national campaigns with their knowledge and experience.
Find out more about how parent carer forums can work with campaign groups in our co-production and campaigning guidelines []
Person Centred Planning: Resources
The SEND Code of Practice is very clear in promoting the involvement of children, young people and parents/carers in decision-making around SEND.
In order to support the process, there are a range of supportive tools and ideas to engage you. Here's a few local and national tools to look at:
- "The EHCP and the Person-Centred connection []" - A video from the Council for Disabled Children (CDC)
- “A quality and rights-based framework for Practice []” - An evidence-based research report shared with DfE by the “Ripstars”, a local group of young people with SEND, and Coventry University
- Person-centred resources can be extracted, adapted and printed, from the National Development Team for Inclusion [] (NDTi)
- The MAP tool, inspired by Inclusive Partnerships [] - A strengths-based co-production tool that captures the voice of CYP to support next steps for Preparing for Adulthood.
There are also a range of other practical tools to think about and plan for support.
- One Page Profiles (OPP) [] - examples of an engaging and interactive technique to capture important information about a child on one sheet
- Download an example of a One Page Profile [ ] of the SENDIASS Children and Young Person's Officer
- "All About Me" [] a local secondary school's co-production resource which can be adapted to use with young people
Additional person-entred tools to support Children and Young People who are Preparing for Adulthood
- Buzz Quiz [ Â ] – a free and fun online personality profiler, focussing on longer term Education, Training and Employment Outcomes
- Ready, Steady, Go [Â ] – an online and downloadable tool that prepares for transition to adult health care
SENDIASS and young people
As part of the SENDIASS offer, we want to make sure that Children and Young people have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making that affects them, both as individuals and in a wider-sense across Coventry.
As part of this, we welcome any children and young people to speak to one of our staff members about any concerns they have over their own support. Whilst we recognise that many children and young people may be happy for their parents/carers to have these discussions on their behalf, we can do this directly with them (and confidentially). There is also separate information available on our CHYP Shop [] website, which is aimed more at support for children and young people.
The website also includes information about the AmbasSENDors programme, which gives children and young people to get involved with changes to services across Coventry (or just to tell other young people about things that they have found helpful to them.
Access the CHYP SHOP website here []