Coventry Carers Trust Heart of England

Carers trust logoThe Carers Trust aims to meet the individual needs of family carers. It is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.


We help carers in a number of ways:

  • A listening ear to talk through your situation to meet your individual needs
  • Advocating on your behalf
  • Helping you plan to cope with your caring role, including doing a Carer’s Assessment
  • Support groups to put you in touch with other carers
  • Social outings to give you a break from caring
  • Discount therapies to help you relax and recoup
  • Up-to-date information about local services and how to access them
  • Regular e-bulletins
  • Information and advice about issues that concern family carers, including:
    • Money and benefits
    • National and local organisations offering information and support
    • Local health and social care services
    • Relief care
    • Aids and adaptations
    • Your rights at work

The Carer's Trust hold 'Carers Clinics' in a number of GP surgeries, University Hospital, the Caludon Centre, Schools and other community venues.

The Carers Trust have a range of workers who speak a number of community languages including Urdu, Hindi, Panjabi, French and Mandarin.

The Carers Trust now offer an array of online support including Facebook, and if you use Skype you can now book an appointment for a video call.