Coventry Carers Trust Heart of England
The Carers Trust [] aims to meet the individual needs of family carers. It is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.
We help carers in a number of ways:
- A listening ear to talk through your situation to meet your individual needs
- Advocating on your behalf
- Helping you plan to cope with your caring role, including doing a Carer’s Assessment
- Support groups to put you in touch with other carers
- Social outings to give you a break from caring
- Discount therapies to help you relax and recoup
- Up-to-date information about local services and how to access them
- Regular e-bulletins
- Information and advice about issues that concern family carers, including:
- Money and benefits
- National and local organisations offering information and support
- Local health and social care services
- Relief care
- Aids and adaptations
- Your rights at work
The Carer's Trust hold 'Carers Clinics' in a number of GP surgeries, University Hospital, the Caludon Centre, Schools and other community venues.
The Carers Trust have a range of workers who speak a number of community languages including Urdu, Hindi, Panjabi, French and Mandarin.
The Carers Trust now offer an array of online support including Facebook, and if you use Skype you can now book an appointment for a video call.
Coventry Action For Autism Group (C.A.F.A.G.)
Coventry Action For Autism Group (CAFAG) is a support group run by parents for parents.
They offer:
- Information about help and support for Autistic children and their families
Click here to visit the CAFAG Facebook page [] for more information
Dyslexia Assist
Dyslexia Assist - By Parents for Parents: By Children for Children []
Dyslexia Assist is a small charity started by parents with dyslexic children to share information, tips, ideas and experiences. They aim to help you help your child.
Roots to Branches
Roots to Branches []' focus is to provide support for local children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families in the form of non-judgmental group sessions, both in-house and in public settings.
This also extends to families who are awaiting assessment for their children.
Group Leaders are qualified in ASD to a high standard, to enable them to offer support & work with the children with a superb level of understanding.
They welcome all members of the family including young carers.
Roots to Branches Autism Network is a self-funded charity.
Kidscape [], is a national children's charity, they run free ZAP workshops for young people aged 9-16 years who have experienced bullying.
ZAP workshops aim to be fun and interactive. They encourage the development of assertiveness skills to raise young people's confidence so that they are able to deal with bullying situations effectively.
Parents/carers can request an application form via the website.
Parents/carers can also attend a separate workshop on the day where they are given expert knowledge of how to effectively support their child.
MindEd for Families
MindEd [] is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults.
Concerned about your child’s mental health?
MindEd for Families [] provides expert information and practical advice on supporting yourself, your child and your family through challenging circumstances.
- Practical support for family members
- Understanding child mental health and behaviour
- Expert advice on parenting and mental health
- Helpful guidance on services and settings.
Visit their help page for support using MindEd [].
Shine (formerly ASBAH)
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Information Networking Equality (Shine)
Shine []is a registered charity, which was formed in 1966, initially to help families and individuals affected by Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Working together throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, we strive to overcome challenges and achieve the best for you and your family.
Visit the Shine website for further information.
Stars Children's Club
Stars Children's Club [] run a Saturday Club, all year round, for Children and Young People (CYP) with severe and often multiple disabilities, supported through a high staff to CYP (Child/Young Person) ratio.
For more information visit their website.
The Curly Hair Project (The girl with the curly hair)
The Curly Hair Project [] is a social enterprise which supports people on the Autistic spectrum and the people around them.
They have a range of resources, courses, and blogs on their website.
How do I add my group's information to this page?

If you are interested in joining this Parents' Group support page then please get in touch with us [/contact] to discuss your service.