SEND Parent/Carer Information Sessions - Other Providers

Below is a list of other providers who regularly run sessions and events for parents and carers (or provide information/advice). Not all sessions are specifically focused on SEND however may still be helpful depending on need and circumstances.
Please note these sessions are NOT ran by SENDIASS so please contact the provider directly for more information / bookings.
*We cannot endorse any organisations, so we suggest you make contact to check suitability etc. prior to any bookings, if necessary. In some cases access may be dependent on meeting an eligibility criteria/charges may apply.
CASS (Community Autism Support Service)
CASS run a range of sessions for parents and carers including a 'toolbox' workshop series. These sessions are short, 1hr topic-based online sessions for parents, carers and family members of autistic, or undiagnosed autistic, children in Coventry and Warwickshire. The toolbox sessions cover 25+ topics including 'anger and meltdowns',
Visit the CASS Eventbrite page for more information and 'what's on!'
Contact run various sessions and workshops for families with children who have additional needs. Many sessions/workshops are tailored to different child age groups, particularly younger children, but they also run a series of general workshops appropriate for parents of children of all ages. The workshops and information sessions cover a range of topics around caring for your child
Visit the Contact 'Workshops and Events' Page for more information and 'what's on!'
Coventry Parent Carer Forum in partnership with Entrust
Coventry Parent Carer Forum (CPCF) and entrust, offer a range of events and activities for families of children and young people with additional needs, covering a range of topics.Visit the CPCF Events and Activities webpage for more information and 'what's on!
Coventry Parenting
The Positive Parenting Team organise and coordinate programmes for parents and carers in Coventry, providing a wide range of parenting support for all Coventry families. Sessions are free, and include programmes such as: 'The Solihull Approach', 'Family Links', 'Triple P', 'Five to Thrive', and 'Positive Family Foundations' as well as a range of individual sessions designed to offer support, information and advice covering a number of topics. The site also links to a range of other parenting support across the city including some sessions tailored specifically around SEND Support.
Coventry Parenting: Courses/Sessions/Support page
Coventry Social Emotional and Mental Health and Learning Team (SEMHL)
Coventry's Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team (SEMHL) have produced information aimed at parents (and professionals) to help understand and support their children's additional needs.
With resources focussing on auditory processes, dyslexia, memory skills and gross/fine motor skills, the guides aim to give practical activities which can be used at home (and in educational settings).
SEMHL webpage - Information with Parents/Carers
Complex Communication Team 
Coventry Complex Communications Team (CCT) regularly run a workshop series aimed at parents and carers of children and young people on the Autism Spectrum and/or with complex communication needs. Contact the via email to enquire about upcoming workshops:
Complex Communication Team – Coventry City Council
Coventry Family Hub / Virtual Family Hub
The Family Hubs offer information on parent/carer sessions and events provided internally by trained hub workers and via partner organisations. Visit your local hubs webpage to view their timetable, or the online virtual hub to see parenting support available across the city, including those specifically designed around SEND support.
Witherslack Group
Witherslack run a broad range of free SEN events and webinars, for parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs across a range of SEND topics including ADHD/ASC/Mental Health.
Visit their events page on their website for more information
ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation also offer a range of resources and webinars throughout the year.
Visit the ADHD Foundation website for more infomration.
The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society offers a range of resources and webinars throughout the year.
Visit the 'National Autism Society - Help and Support' webpage for more information.
Autism Central 
Autism Central offers a range of resources and webinars throughout the year via the Midlands Autism Hub. Use their search filters to find available workshops in the Midlands.
Visit the Autism Central Events webpage to find out what's on.
Recovery and Wellbeing Academy
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy is not a School, College or Academy in the traditional sense of the word. You don’t need to be academically minded to attend and there are no tests, exams or assessments. The Academy offers a wide range of trauma informed courses and workshops designed to empower your mental health and wellbeing, provided by a number of Partner organisations working together. Courses are delivered face to face and via online group sessions. All Academy courses and workshops are completely FREE OF CHARGE and open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Coventry and Warwickshire who wants to better manage or understand their mental health and wellbeing.
Recovery and Wellbeing Academy website