'Schools Out' - Holiday Activities

Below is a list of other providers who may be running sessions/events over the school holiday periods for Children/Young People who have SEND.
Please note these sessions are NOT ran by SENDIASS so please contact the provider directly for more information / bookings.
*We cannot endorse any organisations, so we suggest you make contact to check suitability etc. prior to any bookings, if necessary. In some cases access may be dependent on meeting an eligibility criteria/charges may apply.
Organisations with regular holiday activities
LadyBug Lodge
Lady bug Lodge provide accessible activities, events and recreational opportunities, support, information and advice for families of children and young adults (up to the age of 25) with special education needs or disabilities who reside in Coventry and the surrounding area. Ladybug Lodge offer 'Stay and Play' sensory sessions and activities, events and days out for children and young people with SEND throughout school holidays at community venues in Coventry.
Find out what's on this holiday via their webpage

Covetry Family Hubs
Coventry Family Hubs have a range of sessions and activities for children and young people across the city. As well as their year round offer they often provide a 'holiday' programme including some sessions identified as being specifically for children with SEND.
Take a look at what is on over the holidays via the Family Hub website.
The Coventry Wave: Quiet Time Sessions
The Wave offer 'Quiet Time' swimming sessions tailored for children with SEND. These sessions aim to provide a calm and relaxing environment with no music and sensory toys in the lazy river.
The Wave also advertise accessible facilities throughout the centre.
Visit the Wave website for more information

Tiny Tim’s Purple Planet Indoor Soft Play
Tiny Tim's intends on promoting integrated play with equipment designed for children who have SEND in mind. If your child has diagnosed SEND you can apply for a Tiny Tim's discount card too.
Visit the Tiny Tim's Purple Planet website for more informationInclusive Dance Classes
Inclusive Dance Sessions
A collaboration between Ladybug Lodge and Ascension dance Company.
Ladybug Lodge have partnered with Ascension Dance Company to offer Inclusive dance classes for children and young people aged 4 - 25 specifically for those with additional needs and disabilities!
Visit the Ascension Dance 'Inclusive Groups' website for more information
Short Breaks
'Short Breaks' give children and young people who have a disability the opportunity to join in with an enjoyable activity away from their parents/carers. 'Short Breaks' are available for children and young people aged between 5 and 17 years of age (inclusive) who live in Coventry and meet the criteria.
Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) 
A programme of activities and fun available for school-aged children (reception to year 11 inclusive) who meet one or more of the criteria. This programme of events usually has both sessions inclusive to all children, and sessions specifically for children with SEND.
Visit the Coventry HAF webpage to view their Activities Programme.
Autism Friendly Library Session 
Coventry libraries offer a wide range of sessions including an 'Autism Friendly' session. Type 'Autism' in the 'What's on at your local library' search bar.
Visit the Coventry Libraries Webpage - 'What's on at your local library'
Autism café
The 'Autism Cafe' started in 2019 and aims to provide a safe space for families with children with Autism to meet. Activities are provided for the children and parents can relax and chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Visit the St.George's Church Website for more information.
Roots to Branches Autism Network 
'Roots to Branches' Autism Network is a self-funded charity. They offer a range of family sessions throughout the year as well as an 11+ youth club. Contact them to enquire about their 'holiday' activities.
Visit the 'Roots To Branches' website for more information
Community Autism Support Service 
The CASS service has a ‘front door’ approach, meaning residents can access this all-age service through a single phone number and dedicated website. The service draws on the collective strengths of local organisations Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and Act for Autism, working in a collaborative partnership with Autism West Midlands. The CASS offer is broad and includes some group sessions and youth clubs. Some sessions are term time only so you would need to contact CASS directly to enquire if they are running any holiday sessions.
Visit the CASS website for more information and to enquire
Coventry Sensory Team 
Coventry Sensory Team run FREE sessions for children with hearing/and or vision impairement all year round, please enquire for any programmes they are running during the holiday periods.
Contact 'Coventry Sensory Tots' to enquire and find out more
Midland Mencap 
Midland Mencap offer short break and community sessions for eligible children and young people in the Coventry area who have learning disabilities, autism, complex needs, mental health conditions and other associated disorders. These sessions aim to be fun and inclusive for children 5-19 years of age. Activities include fun play, arts and crafts, sport, cycling and community visits. Sessions are held weekends, after school and in school holidays.
To find out more visit their website
Witherslack Group 
The Witherslack Group regularly run workshops and in the past have offered virtual holiday clubs including 'Science', 'Anime drawing' and 'Cook-a-longs' for children and young people with special educational needs. To find out about any current holiday activities/clubs they may be offering visit their website.
Witherslack Group Website - Events Page
Other websites/pages that may have information on 'holiday' groups/sessions/activities and events
‘Coventry Family Information Directory' 
The Coventry family Information Directory may have further information of clubs, groups and sessions that may be of interest to you:
Coventry Information Directory | Welcome to the Coventry Family Information Directory – Main website link / search engine
Coventry Information Directory | Listings in Activities – Link to ‘activities’ for children with SEND
Coventry Information Directory | Listings in School Holiday Activities – Link to activities listed as ‘school holiday activities’ for children with SEND
'Coventry Rocks' 
Coventry ROCKS also provides information on activities, events and clubs in and around Coventry (Not SEND specific unless stated).
Things To Do in Coventry | Family Events in Coventry (coventryrocks.co.uk)
CAFAG (Coventry Action for Autism Group) 
CAFAG do not offer sessions themselves, however they do have a facebook page where you could ask other parents if they know of any local groups or sessions in the area that may not be listed above.