How we can help to resolve disagreements
The SEND Information Advice and Support Service is often able to help when parents do not agree with the decisions or provisions made by Schools or Local Authorities (LAs) for their child's special educational needs.
Most disagreements can usually be resolved quickly with all parties working together with the child's best interests at heart. This is often referred to as "informal resolution", and would normally occur through parent/carer and/or young people meeting together with school, health providers, or the local authority to discuss the concerns and find a solution.
Where disagreement persists, the SEND Information Advice and Support Service aims to inform parents and schools about the range of support available for disagreement resolution. Local Authorities must make disagreement resolution services available to parents and young people. Use of the disagreement resolution services is voluntary and has to be with the agreement of everybody involved. Even though the Local Authority has to provide these services, disagreement resolution services must be independent - this must be an organisation not in the employment of the Local Authority.
Disagreement resolution can also include involvement, where applicable, from a specialist Mediation Service and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Tribunal.