
For full details about how to apply for a school place, school admission policies and criteria, and details of school performance go to 

Early Years

Applications to most Early Years providers will normally be made direct to the setting, including those based within maintained schools. For full details of how to apply to specific settings, either speak to the setting directly or consult their website.  


Make three choices

The application form has space for you to make three preferences of school. You should aim to identify three schools that you would be happy for your child to attend. Each preference is viewed equally against the over-subscription criteria for the school. If you can be offered a place at all your preferences, you will be allocated a place at your first preference school. Important - you are not more likely to get a place at a school if you only make one preference, or put the same school into all three boxes. By doing this, you simply limit your choice.

Supplementary forms

Some schools may require a supplementary forms, including a form to be completed by the minister or official at your place of worship. 

EHC Plans

If your child has an Education Health and Care plan, any changes to the setting your child attends should be co-ordinated through the Annual Review process. This is for any transition points - e.g. going from an early years setting into school; moving from primary school to secondary school - and for any in-year changes. If you have any queries about this, contact your EHC co-ordinator on 024 7683 1614 or email  

If you have an EHCP, you will not have to apply through the usual admissions process. You will be asked by the Statutory Assessment and Review Team (START) for a preference of school/s instead.