
It's impossible for anyone to tell you which school you should send your child to - that decision can only be made by you. By getting as much information about schools, this decision will be easier.

  • Read the Local Authority application booklet - This has all the admission criteria for Coventry schools, as well as information about applying for out-of-city schools in Warwickshire and Solihull. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you should discuss any change of school as part of the Annual Review process.
  • Read school prospectus' - School prospectus' have information about a wide range of issues, such as the curriculum, school meals, and facilities (for use by both pupils and adults). Simply contact schools directly and ask for a copy or most of them will have this information on their websites. They must also have an "SEND Information Report" identifying their offer for children and young people with SEND. There is also a lot of information about schools, and the education system on GOV.UK.
  • Check the Ofsted report - The most recent Ofsted reports for Coventry schools are available from the schools' directory. It is worth remembering that these reports are a snapshot, and may not accurately reflect all the activities of a school. It may be that significant changes have taken place since the report was published, so check the date it was carried out.
  • Visit the school - All schools have open mornings/evenings, where parents can visit the school and look around. Most schools will also be more than happy to show you around during a school day with an appointment. You may want to ask schools specific questions about how they will make sure your child achieves their potential (particularly if they have additional educational needs or a disability).