Bullying information

Bullying is an issue that affects many children and young people at some point in their lives, and can take many different forms. All educational establishments should have a behaviour/bullying process which should be followed and is normally the first step in tackling the issue if it involves others within education.

SEND IASS is limited in the information/support that they can offer around bullying, particularly around individual cases. However, we have tried to identify below a number of organisations who have a firm focus on bullying as part of their service offer. 

Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA)


The Anti-Bullying Alliance isn't able to deal with individual cases. However, there are lots of places that parents and carers are able to go to for information and advice about bullying issues.  Visit the Anti Bullying Alliance website for further information.

The Anti-Bullying Alliance also have a free online Anti-Bullying information tool for parents/carers. The tool is interactive and designed to give parents and carers information about bullying.  The tool will help you as a parent if you:

  • are concerned that your child may be vulnerable to bullying at school.
  • are worried that your child might be being bullied.
  • are aware that your child is being bullied.
  • think or know that your child is bullying others.
  • just want to browse.

Children and young people

If you think you are being bullied it's important that you tell someone you trust for example a relative, a teacher or another trusted adult. If you need help or advice about bullying there are helplines and websites that can provide you with information and support. Visit the Anti Bullying Alliance website for further details.

'Contact: for families with disabled children' 

'Contact: for families with disabled children' has produced a guide to dealing with bullying: for parents of disabled children available from their website.


For more information and advice around bullying including cyberbullying visit: