General health information for parents of children and young people with Special Educational Needs

Many young people with SEND will be involved with health services as part of their development. This may be by accessing universal healthcare or more specialist intervention to support them. 

For children with complex needs identified at birth, after an injury or illness, or through their early years, you will likely have health professionals already working with you. They will let you know if they believe your child has Special Educational Needs, and can also guide you to other sources of support and information. Health professionals have a duty to notify the local authority when they identify a child under compulsory school age as having (or probably having) SEN or a disability.

However, as a parent, you might also notice differences around development or behaviour. You can talk to an adult at their educational setting about your observations, discuss what support might be needed, and decide appropriate next steps together. You can also see your child’s GP and together you might talk about whether to make a referral to a specialist service or paediatrician.

Medical needs in school

The Department for Education (DFE)  has produced guidance for Local Authorities.

'Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs - statutory guidance for local authorities []

Local Authorities (LAs) must have regard to it when carrying out their duty to arrange suitable full-time education (or part-time when appropriate for the child's needs) for children who are unable to attend a mainstream or special school because of their health.

There is also statutory guidance for schools around supporting children and young people with medical conditions

Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions - Statutory Guidance for Governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England [] 

Mental health and behaviour in school

How to identify and support those pupils whose behaviour suggests they may have unmet mental health needs. Advice for schools [].

This advice is for schools []. It includes: how and when to refer to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), practical advice to support children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, strengthening pupil resilience, tools to identify pupils for likely to need extra support, where/how to access community support.

Information and advice is also available from Coventry and Warwickshire Rise [].

Learning Disability Register 

If you have a learning disability, then you are eligible to join the Learning Disability Register through your Doctor's surgery. Being on the register is the first step to an individual getting reasonable adjustments and better support. Once this information is on the GP system, they will be able to access additional services, such as the Annual Health Check, and request extra support, such as easy read information, longer appointments and reminders, and help to make decisions.

For further information visit the Mencap website []. Their website also explains the annual health check to which anyone over the age of 14 with a learning disability is entitled to.

Care and support for deafblind children and adults 

The Department for Health has produced guidance that explains how local authorities should act in relation to care and support for deafblind adults and children. View the policy. []

Get Your Rights

From The NHS Constitution website, you can view the video 'Everything you need to get the most out of the NHS []'. You have the right when making decisions and choices about healthcare.   

Make it Happen

Funded by NHS England, The Council for Disabled Children have produced a resource 'Improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND/Disability []' to explain the Children and Families Act 2014 and its implications for health services. The resource is full of tools, films and examples from practice to help areas implement the reforms.  

Resources and information for parents

The Council for Disabled Children has a series of documents available for parents and carers [] to help you get the best out of the health system. You can access Expert parent e-learning, the Expert Parent Programme, The Expert Training Course, and various other useful sources of information. 

Further information 

Further information about specific health difficulties can be obtained from the following organisations:

Coventry Health Services

The Local Offer

The Coventry Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer [] brings together health information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families. This includes physical therapies, mental health support and paediatric support.


The Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) is a service that deals with patients', relatives' or carers’ queries and concerns regarding their health care, and can provide information on NHS services generally

To access further information regarding PALs [].


Healthwatch Coventry is the independent consumer champion for health and social care in Coventry. Their job is to give you a voice and argue for the consumer interest of all those who use health and social care services.  This includes:

  • Parent/Carers rights in relation to health services (including mental health) and how you can be supported.
  • Sharing information confidentially about issues you, your child and your family face when accessing/using local health and social care services.
  • Discussing the barriers and gaps in services you may experience in your child's health care provision.

Visit the HealthWatch website [].

Guidance, organisations and contacts





Promoting awareness around Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and providing information and as much free practical help as possible. Visit the ADDERS [] website.



The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service provide information and resources about ADHD. Visit the ADDIS [] website.

ADD/ADHD Mental Health and School

One of our children and young people in Coventry (thank you Liza!) has also recommended this page [ ], which provides some guidance and support for parents and professionals working together to support youngsters with ADD/ADHD.


Complex Communication Team  Coventry SEND Support Service logo


Complex Communications Team (CCT) is part of Coventry Local Authority's SEND Support Service and is an education service that supports pupils in schools. Contact CCT telephone: 024 7678 8400. For more information visit the SEND Support service page [].


Coventry Action for Autism Group is an opportunity for parents/carers to meet other parents/carers to look at issues and problems linked to autism. 

Autism West Midlands  Autism West Midlands logo

Enabling people with autism and those who love and care for them to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives. Visit the Autism West Midlands website [].

The National Autistic Society   National autistic society logo

A UK charity providing information and support for people with autism (including Aspergers syndrome) and their families. Visit the []National Autistic Society W []ebsite. []


The British Dyslexia Association    British dyslexia association logo


A UK national organisation offering a wide range of information for parents, dyslexic adults and teachers. Visit the British Dyslexia Association [].

Dyslexia Action   Dyslexia action logo


Details about dyslexia services, associated training, teaching and publication details. Visit the Dyslexia Action website [].

North Warwickshire and Coventry Dyslexia Association  North Warwickshire and Coventry dyslexia association logo

Visit the North Warwickshire and Coventry Dyslexia Association [].  


Speech and Language

Speech and Language Therapy   Children's speech and language therapy logo


Visit the Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust Speech and Language Therapy Service website [].

Speech and Language (Education)      Send support service logo


Visit the Complex Communication Team webpage [].

ICAN    Ican logo


ICAN is a children's communication charity helping children develop the speech and language communication skills they need. Visit the ICAN website [].

AFASICAfasic logo

Afasic [] supports parents and represents children and your people with speech and language and communication needs.  


Other useful links

ChildlineChildline logo

For help and advice at any time for any problem. Visit the Childline website [].

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)   Rise logo

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are a comprehensive range of services that provide help and treatment to children and young people experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties, or mental health problems, disorders and illnesses. These services are available to children and young people up to their 17 birthday. Referrals should be sent to the RISE navigation hub [] and completed by a professional who is involved with or working with the young person and/or family, e.g. GPs, Schools, Social Care, School nurses, Health visitors.Coventry city council logo

The All Age Disability Service []  


Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs  GOV.UK logo


View the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability   []

Contact     Contact logo


A UK wide charity providing advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children. Visit the Contact website [] for further information.

AccessAble Website  Accessable logo


The " []A []ccessAble" [] website provides online access guides for venues across the UK and Ireland and was set up in partnership with Marks and Spencer.

Disability Grants  Disability grants logo


Do you have a Disability?  Are you a parent or carer of a Disabled child or adult?

If so, use this website to save time finding Disability Grants [].

Charities and Trusts provide funding towards the high cost of disability equipment, holidays, housing, days fact anything above and beyond the normal costs of everyday living.

Disability and The Equality Act 2010  GOV.UK logo

The Equalities Act 2010 [] aims to protect disabled people and prevent disability discrimination.Equality and human rights commission logo

The Equality and Human Rights Commission [] have produced Technical Guidance that outlines the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 for schools in relation to the provision of education and access to benefits, facilities or services, both educational and  non-educational. 

For further information regarding reasonable adjustments including auxiliary aids and services visit the Equality and Human Rights website []


Contact for families with disabled children also has information for families around aids, equipment and access to financial support. []  Contact logo

The Dyspraxia Foundation  


The Foundation aims to support individuals and families affected by Dyspraxia. Visit The Dyspraxia Foundation website. []Dyspraxia foundation logo

Medical needs in school

Statutory Guidance from the Department for Education [] for children who are unable to attend a mainstream or special school because of their health. GOV.UK logo

National Children's Bureau  National children's bureau logo


Working with children and for children, especially the most vulnerable, to influence government policy, providing a voice for young people and practitioners, creating solutions on a range of social issues. Visit the National Children's Bureau website at: [] 

My Rights - Your Responsibility Council for disabled children logo

My Rights - Your Responsibility - [,community%20facilities%20and%20other%20services.] Your child's rights to be included. Printed leaflets are available from The Council for Disabled Children, hosted by the National Children's Bureau [].  


New Life  Newlife logo


Newlife Foundation [] is a charitable organisation caring for disabled and terminally ill children. Newlife nurses offer information, support and rights regarding any type of childhood disability, long-term health problems, learning or life-limiting conditions. The charity also specialises in research and has a special equipment grant service.

Occupational Therapy  Children and young people's occupational therapy logo


The Occupational Therapy Service aims to support children and young people in getting the most from their lives and achieving their potential. Visit the OT website here: Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy in Coventry [].

SHINE (formerly known as ASBAH) Shine logo


Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Information Networking Equality (SHINE) , previously known as Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (ASBAH), is Europe's largest organisation dedicated to supporting individuals and families as they face the challenges arising from spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Visit the SHINE website  []for further information of advice.  

Tiny Tim's Children's Centre Tiny Tims logo


Coventry based charity [] that provides FREE complementary treatments to children and young people with disabilities, health problems and special needs. Therapies offered include: Remedial and Neuromuscular Massage, Physiotherapy, Bowen Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Room, Therapeutic Play Sessions.